+1 (252) 826-5141 | 308 Main Street, Scotland Neck, North Carolina 27874, US

  • Sylvan Heights Bird Park
  • Italian Cuisine at Scotland Neck
Best Rate Available

Things To Do Near Scotland Neck Inn


When you stay at Scotland Neck Inn, you?ll be at a hotel near Sylvan Heights Bird Park and other area attractions and points of interest. You can also select us confidently when seeking hotels near Roanoke River NC or hotels near Pitt-Greenville Airport NC, which is about 46 miles away. We?re close to the restaurant and shopping, about 25 miles from Rocky Mount and Roanoke Rapids. When you stay conveniently and comfortably with us, you?re staying close to so much ? and paying so little. What could be better? We look forward to the opportunity to serve you soon.

Sylvan Heights Bird Park is the largest waterfowl park in the world and features more than 2,500 birds.
Why not enjoy a local restaurant? You’ll get a better experience than chain places and enjoy great prices too.
Sunset Park in Rocky Mount is a great place to get outside and enjoy the nice weather in North Carolina.
Learn about other great things to do at Nash County Travel and Tourism, close by in Rocky Mount.



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